Curious Turnstone
by Paul Rebmann
Curious Turnstone
Paul Rebmann
Photograph - Photograph
A ruddy turnstone in breeding plumage on the Atlantic coast beach in Florida with head down appearing to be looking under a seashell.
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1000 to 1999 Views Limit 1 per Day (4/17/2023),
500 Views -1 Image a Day (10/27/2016),
Coastal Water Birds-Shore Birds,
Seashells and the Seashore
& Wild Birds Of The World (10/19/2016)
These shorebirds are considered winter residents along the entire Florida coast, but some may be seen at any time of year. The winter range extends along most of the United States coast, plus the Caribbean and the coast along much of Central and South America. Breeding occurs on the rocky Arctic coasts and tundra of Alaska and Canada.
One of the most distinguishing features of Arenaria interpres at any time of year are the orange legs. In flight the white lower back and bold black and white wing pattern is visible, as is the white tail with a black tip. At rest the back is a mottled pattern of rusty edged feathers, with bold reddish patches in breeding plumage. The short, stocky, slightly upturned beak is used to turn over small rocks and other objects in search of food.
(Subject description from the artist's Wild Florida Photo website
April 30th, 2014