Fetterbush Flowers
by Paul Rebmann
Fetterbush Flowers
Paul Rebmann
Photograph - Photograph
Several flowers of Lyonia lucida, known as both fetterbush and fetterbush lyonia. This photograph was made at Point Washington State Forest in the Florida panhandle.
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Lyonia lucida is a common shrub of flatwoods, bogs and cypress ponds throughout nearly all of Florida. The range extends through the southeastern coastal states from Louisiana into Virginia, plus Cuba. Fetterbush flowers are urn shaped, varying from white through shades of pink to almost red and borne in clusters at the leaf axils. Leaves are alternate, simple and elliptic with a margin that is closely paralleled by a distinctive vein that gives the leaves the appearance of being slightly revolute. Fruit is a capsule, either rounded or urn-shaped.
(Species description from the artist's Wild Florida Photo website www.wildflphoto.com)
December 31st, 2014