Hairy Leafcup
by Paul Rebmann
Hairy Leafcup
Paul Rebmann
Photograph - Photograph
A close-up photograph showing the side view of a single Hairy Leafcup flower, also called Bear's Foot.
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Hairy leafcup is a frequent wildflower of moist hammocks in parts of central and north Florida and is found in woods and meadows in much of the Eastern United States.
Smallanthus uvedalia is a member of the aster family and is named for English teacher and botanist Robert Uvedale (1642-1722). Uvedale exchanged plants with others, growing species from many collectors of the time in his garden and one of the early hothouses in England. Upon his death most of his plants were sold to Sir Robert Walpole for his collection at Houghton Hall and incorporated into Walpole's fourteen volume herbarium. Hairy leafcup was originally named Osteospermum uvedalia by Linnaeus in 1753 using a plant from Uvedale's garden. The species uvedalia was later moved into its own genus Smallanthus.
(Species description from the artist's Wild Florida Photo website
January 31st, 2014